Ergo Coaching
The purpose of an Ergo Coach is to improve a worker’s awareness of ergonomics and musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and for the worker to discover safe work methods that will enhance their comfort, health and safety at work and at home.
Who can benefit?
Any individual can benefit from learning to work smarter and safer. Ergo Coaching can help to prevent an injury before it occurs or help an employee who is returning to work after an injury and/or requires medical accommodation.
How long does Ergo Coaching take?
The duration of the session depends on the number of job tasks the worker performs and where Ergo coaching is required.
What does Ergo Coaching look like?
A Kinetic Kare Certified Ergonomist conducts the coaching session with the worker in their work environment under the usual conditions of work.
Step 1: The Ergonomist conducts a brief interview with the worker to gain an understanding of the essential job tasks and concerns. Managers, supervisors and union representatives are welcome to attend at the worker's or organizations request and approval.
Step 2: The Ergonomist observes the worker performing the job task(s) in their work environment, interacting with the usual tools and equipment of work. Photos and video are taken to document postures and work methods.
Step 3: The final step includes education, coaching and practice.
The employee learns the main risk factors that can contribute to MSDs and how their work methods can be contributing to their discomfort
The Ergo Coach demonstrates optimal body postures and work methods
The worker practices the task following the coaching cues
Coaching cues and instruction continues until the employee learns the skill
What’s included?
On-site ergo coaching with the worker
Postcard: Ergo Tips for MSD Prevention
Report summarizing the coaching cues instructed